Templeton Recommendations
Last Updated: November, 2007                   A List of All Recommendations                   Back to index page

The Erdos Center, A Center for Mathematical Research and Education
We recommend The Templeton Foundation fund a task force whose task is to find the funding for a stand-alone physical facility in the environs of Budapest with a building and grounds whose purpose is to serve as a center for mathematical activity of two types: These activities will occur simultaneously throughout the year and in juxtaposition with each other. Researchers will see the work with the teachers and students and teachers and students will see the research work in progress. The Hungarian view of Òone mathematicsÓ will pervade the atmosphere; it will be the atmosphere. Both of these main activities will be international in flavor. Of course, the lectures and research work would occur in lecture and/or seminar rooms and the teacher/student activities would occur in open rooms, but the simultaneity of events would inform all of the nature of mathematics.